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For A Natural Cure For Shingles, Eat These Foods... 












1. Yoghurt


This healthy dairy product contains L-lysine. This is an important amino acid for healing from shingles.


L-lysine aids in the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. It also helps the body produce collagen, and repair tissues.



2. Sweet Peppers


These vegetables are high in Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).


This vitamin is essential in curing shingles because it boosts the immune system…


…Its an antioxidant which aids in tissue repair. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen which skin and nails are made of.


Vitamin C counters the effects of stress because it aids in the production of the immune system protein Interferon.

















3. Brown Rice


This healthy wholegrain contains vitamin B1...


...B Vitamins provide a natural cure for shingles.


They are needed for nerve health. Vitamin B also acts as an antioxidant which inhibits and deactivates the shingles virus.































4. Cheese


Vitamin B2 (also known as Riboflavin) is found in cheese. Riboflavin is necessary for anti-body production and growth...


...These are important elements of the immune system which work on the detection of, and response to foreign bodies. This allows our disease-fighting T-Cells to engulf the unwanted antigens.


This vitamin facilitates the use of oxygen by the tissues of the skin and the hair. This will speed up your shingles recovery.


5. Broccoli


Broccoli is rich in Vitamin B3 (also known as Niacin) so this superfood vegetable will also help to heal damaged nerves and combat the shingles virus.
















A Natural Treatment For Shingles...



The Dermachange Shingles Symptoms Relief Cream is a high quality cream that treats the symptoms of shingles such as pain and itching...


...The reason why it's so effective is because of the all-natural organic ingredients which are known to treat shingles in the tradition of natural medicine.













These ancient remedies have been proven again and again to work wonders, so --> click here to read more about this effective treatment.


















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